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{{pic}} May 8, 2011 -- [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/the-diablo-facebook-ransom-is-paid-part-xv/ A delicious facebook update (numbering fifteen) is released] showing the amazing interpretation of [[Diablo]] from [[Glowei]], in addition to two screenshots featuring the [[Wizard]] and [[Demon Hunter]] (casting [[Fan of Knives]]) in Act I.
{{int}} May 7, 2011 -- [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/matt-uelmens-torchlight-2-music-debuts/ Flux secures an interview] with [[Matt UelmanUelmen]], former Blizzard [[music]] composer, now working for [[Runic Games]]. He gives some very interesting insight into the process of creating music for video games.
{{blz}} May 6, 2011 -- [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/blue-on-busy-spell-animations-and-favorite-builds/ Bashiok replies to a thread] asking whether or not the [[Witch Doctor]]'s [[Firebat]] [[spell]] is too busy, and also drops some new information about changes to the [[Barbarian]]'s [[Whirlwind]] ability.
{{blz}} May 6, 2011 -- [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/diablo-teases-unicorn-day/ @Diablo cruelly teases about the diablo beta by offering] 5,911 winning points to someone participating in the hashtag twitter promotion. It is widely accepted specualtion that 5,911 points refers to [[Unicorn Day]], the 9th of May, where the Blizzard conference call will be held speaking in one manner or another of the Diablo III [[beta]].