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99 bytes added, 18:16, 7 February 2011
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A "hack" is a form of [[cheat]]ing that exploits some aspect of the game to grant a user an unfair advantage. Hacks differ from [[exploit]]s in that hacks are almost never achieved in-game, but usually require an external technique; often a third party program.
The term is commonly used for every sort of in common use or out-game cheating, and can refer to a cheated character, item, account, or something else. The word "hack" can be combined with the another word to detail what it's doing. Players might refer to a way too cheat a character as a "a charhackthe particular type of hack: Account-hack, Char-hack," and the "[[maphack]]" (a 3rd party program is notoriously common on that reveals the entire level map in Diablo 2's, etc.
"Hack" can be used as a verb, to describe the process of cheating.
* ''"I My character was hacked his character."''
Or as a noun, to describe the program or technique itself.