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Critical hit

60 bytes removed, 16:14, 13 January 2011
Critical Hits in Diablo III
The basic critical hit bonus is still +100% damage, but various skills increase the damage of critical hits, while others increase the odds of critical hits scoring, or cause other effects to trigger when a critical hit is scored. How these will all interact remains to be seen.
The calculation of Statistically, your long-run bonus from critical strikes are equal to (+damage% * +chancetocrit%). Thus, the bonuses optimal strategy for increasing critical damage is going to be interesting as wellincrease whichever stat gives the largest gain percentage-wise over its previous value. In D1 For example, if you have a 25% chance to crit and D2a 60% extra damage on crit, critical hits were a huge bonusand your choices are (increase % to crit by 5%) or (increase damage on crit 10%), since doubled the best choice is to increase your chance to crit. This will increase your total physical damage dealt; a value that was often in the 1000s for a powerful combat character. In D3 output by critical hits will still strikes from +15% damage (apparently.60 * .25) be that powerful for the [[Barbarian]], but critical hits on spell damage would seem to be far less potent, since spells generally deal their +18% damage over time, (.60 * .30) rather than in huge chunks per hitincreasing it to 17. Occasionally adding 105% to the critical hit damage of a 1-6 damage spell isn't very impressive, even if the spell is hitting 20x a second(. A wizard would seem better off boosting the % chance of scoring a critical hit70 * .25)
[[Image:Critical-hit2.jpg|frame|Cold critical hit, with highlighted gore..]]
These were demonstrated during a panel at [[BlizzCon 2008]], an excerpt from which [ can be seen here].
==Types of damage and effects==
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