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299 bytes added, 16:59, 21 August 2008
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It seems like one of those numbers (12 slots to start; 30 at most with large bags) must be off. 30-12 = 18, which isn't evenly divisible by 4. Maybe 32/28 at most, which would be 5/4 slots per (large) bag? Also, I wonder if they'll follow the WoW paradigm and have different sizes of bags?(23:01, 7 July 2008 [[User:Lithrian|Lithrian]])
== WOW look alike ==
This is starting to look way too much like WOW I was hoping it would stay to being its own game but for some reason this inv. looks a lot like wow as well as the main screen as well.(08:36, 18 July 2008 [[User:Dvldogg05|Dvldogg05]])  == Talk Page Posting ==Hey guys, try to sign your posts btw =) Type "<nowiki>--~~~~</nowiki>" or click the signature button in teh edit field ;) --[[User:Leord|Leord]] 18:59, 21 August 2008 (CEST)