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Trent Kaniuga

3 bytes added, 09:12, 11 November 2010
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'''Trent Kaniuga''' is one of the [[Blizzard Entertainment|Blizzard]] artists working on [[Diablo III]]. His full name was unknown for a long time but was found out in June 2010[] from the credit on a piece of concept art.
Trent seems to specialize in cities and objects, with numerous concept art pieces of environmental locations and smaller objects such as wagons, lanterns, weapons, and architectural features credited to him.
==Diablo 3 Gallery==
Trent has contributed concept art for numerous areas and a few monsters as well. Some samples: * See all images [http://wwwdiablo.diiiincgamers.netcom/gallery/showphotosearch.php?photokeywords=884 Jungle city].* [ Outer Caldeum concept art].* [ Caldeum bandit city].* [ tagged with his name in the art gallery/showphoto.php?photo=681 Caldeum palace concept art].