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Diablo III release date

301 bytes removed, 11:03, 11 October 2010
Diablo III Demo
Almost since the game was announced in June 2008 the developers have said that they were well into content production.[] (Meaning that the engine and basic game functions were all locked down and working properly.) Content though, especially in Blizzard titles, is such a huge area of work that experienced Blizzard-watchers expected the content production and balancing would take years. And with the earliest feasible release date coming in mid-2011, they'll have had at least 3 years of intensive content development by that point.
==Diablo III Demo==
Blizzard has not said anything specifically about the upcoming demo of Diablo III, but when talking about StarCraft II, they said they had plans for a demo, and that they "use to do that after release". Most likely, we can expect a trial version of Diablo III ''after release''.