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1,187 bytes added, 12:35, 18 September 2010
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==Item Quality and Color==
The [[D3 Team]] has confirmed that there will be magical, rare, and unique items in Diablo III. [[Set Items ]] aren't in yet, but the team has said they're thinking about trying to include them. [[Runewords ]] will not return in Diablo III. Crafted items were hinted at for a long time, but not until August 2010 was Diablo III's [[crafting]] system and [[salvage cube]] revealed, as part of the [[Artisan]] NPC operations. Crafted items seem unlikely to returndo not have a special color in Diablo II, though there will be some method to "craft" as they become categorized as magical or create/customize rare items; it just won't involve a Horadric Cube-like object. There is also known to be at least one other type of item that's not yet been revealed, depending upon the recipe.
[[Jay Wilson]] spoke on this issue in Blizzcast #8, in March 2009. [] His comments on color confirmed various item types, while opening a whole new can of worms on the color scheme.
::'''Bornakk: '''Have you settled on a particular color scheme for item drops?
::'''Jay Wilson: '''We've kind of gone round and round on color scheme. I know with World of Warcraft when they decided on a color scheme to fit quality, they were taking that from Diablo 2 and other MMOs, but they chose a color set that they felt was easier to read. We actually tried to emulate that for awhile, I think actually our announcement build or maybe our BlizzCon build was actually using a color scheme very similar to World of Warcraft and we generally found we just didn’t like it, it didn’t feel Diablo. So something as simple as that didn’t feel Diablo anymore.
Fans were just about unanimous in their disapproval of the color change from gold to purple for uniques. Most fans think uniques should stay gold and if something must change, it should be rares, to purple or some other color that won't be confused with gold.
===Top End Items===
::And items, one of the things we are trying to do is focus on this even greater element of defining your build. So really it's up to the player on what kind of stats they want on their character, but we're definitely not shooting for a, "oh here's the barbarian armor", there is a set and when you get the full set you're done. That's just not very Diablo and it's not really the kind of gameplay we're going for. If anything we’d like the item set to be a lot more diverse than it was in Diablo 2.
::'''Bornakk: '''Always something to collect right?
::'''Jay Wilson: '''Exactly, always a new build to try out.
Other D3 developers said much the same thing at Blizzcon 2009. [] These are all noted so that when the final game arrives, and everyone is wearing nothing but rares, or uniques, or set items for the first six months, you can point to these quotes in the wiki and shake them overhead, like angry villagers with torches, on the heels of Frankenstein's monster.
==Artisans and Crafting==
August 2010 brought a major announcement, as the [[crafting]] system and [[Artisans]] were introduced. Characters in Diablo III will spend much of their time breaking down unwanted items in the [[salvage cube]], then using the raw [[materials]] created by that process to craft new items from the [[recipes]] offered by the various artisans.
There are three artisans, each offering a wide variety of types of items, as well as crafting recipes and other item-related services. The Artisans will also give [[quests]] and information, and they travel with the player from act to act, providing the same "town" (called the [[Caravan]]) throughout the game.
Click the various linked words in this section for much more info about everything related to the Artisans.
===Item Buyback===
[[File:Buyback1.jpg|frame|thumb|300px|The item buyback interface.]]
One added feature sure to please players is the item buyback option. Anything you sell to the NPC merchants can be bought back. This isn't something players will use often, or on purpose, but that one time you misclick and accidentally sell something you wanted to keep, the buyback will be a blessing.
There does not seem to be any un-salvage option though, so be careful what you stick into the [[salvage cube]].
==Item Durability==