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Item Durability
==Item Durability==
The [[D3 Team]] has not yet committed to items having [[durability]] in Diablo 3. During most of the development process they've said that items have there was no durability (in Diablo III. The development team said they are all indestructible)might do without it; that it was a needless inconvenience. Their thinking changed at some point, since as of the [[Artisan]] reveal in August 2010, durability was back in the game and there a major factor in item values. Durability was no durability on items that players used during also said to be the BlizzCon 2008 or 2009 game demoonly real [[death]] penalty, with a loss of it leading to heavy repair costs upon each death.
Durability is a major aspect of the [[end game]] [[economy]] though, and can function as a major [[gold sink]]. It's thus possible that durability will return, once the team gets more into the final balancing and economy issues. The most recent comment on item durability came from [[Bashiok]] in June 2010, when he [] said that item durability would "probably" be returning.
* See the [[Durability]] page for much more discussion of this issue.
==Item Rarity==