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Weapon switch hotkey

374 bytes added, 12:15, 7 August 2010
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One compromise solution could be to include a weapon switch hotkey, but putting some sort of cool down timer on it. Switching could only be done so often, or would require a few seconds to take effect. After all, a character would logically need a few seconds to sheath a sword and pull out a mace, or a halberd, from his invisible, all-encompassing backpack.
Discussion has also touched on skill-related weapon switching; some characters are known to have weapon-specific skills; some Monk skills only work with [[Fists]] or with [[Staves]], and it's possible the D3 team will include some sort of weapon switching ability, tied exclusively to weapon-specific skills. There is no official word on this; it's purely fan speculation.
This is the sort of feature that gets evaluated in more detail in the later stages of game design, when the controls are fine tuned, and beta testers get to put in their input, so it's quite likely that we've not yet heard the last of this issue.