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2,054 bytes added, 07:40, 29 April 2010
March 2010
==April 2010==
April kicks off with the usual blitz of Blizzard April Fool's Day jokes and features. Their first movement comes on March 31st, with [ a Diablo-style teaser image]. This year's crop includes,
A later post provides a nice wrap up of other good gaming-related AFD activities around the Internet.
==March 2010==
{{blz}}March 31, 2010 -- Bashiok on [ Wizards, Mana, and Instability].
{{com}}March 27, 2010 -- Fan debate breaks out on the issue of [ paying to beta test]. A vote is held in which most players say they would not.
{{blz}}March 25, 2010 -- Blizzcon 2010 [ is announced for October 22-23, 2010], once again in the Anaheim Convention Center.
{{pic}}March 23, 2010 -- The [ female Witch Doctor in-game animated model] is added to the official site. Also, [ five new Witch Doctor screenshots] are released. Fan reaction to the female WD's look [ is largely positive].
{{blz}}March 23, 2010 -- Blizzard announces that [ the v1.13 patch and ladder reset] will take place on the 24th. The [ patch is released], with the full readme.txt. [ Direct download links] and largely positive [ early player feedback]. {{blz}}March 18, 2010 -- [ Is the Female Witch Doctor too Sexy?] Blue post turning into a major debateabout how the characters should be presented; realism vs. eye candy.
{{blz}}March 17, 2010 -- [ Blizzard on Armor Types] and voting for Blizzard in a developer vs developer voting match.
{{int}}March 17, 2010 -- [ Jay Wilson on Game Development]. Possibly a Google translate of a Chinese industry conference where Jay Wilson made his contribution by talking about the seven shared development points of making a video game.
{{blz}}March 17, 2010 -- [Blizzard on v1.13, future patches], and the end of the Patch Test Forum. Patch imminent.
{{blz}}March 16, 2010 -- [ Diablo 3's Trading System] will fix everything, according to Bashiok. Item trades, gold selling and many other topics discussed.
{{blz}}March 16, -- 2010 [ Blizzard @ PAX East: D3 Staying home], unfortunately. No Diablo 3 gameplay at PAX East.
{{blz}}March 1315, 2010 -- 2010 Blizzard announces that the [ D2 v1.13 patch and ladder reset] are coming soon. More info on [ Rob Pardo learns from] design mistakes in an article by Shacknews. Stuff like the D2 [[goldcoming patch and future patches]] economy is was added a lesson learned and not repeatedfew days later.
{{blz}}March 13, 2010 -- 2010 [ Bashiok on class-specific weaponsRob Pardo learns from] design mistakes in an article by Shacknews. Stuff like the D2 [[gold]] (again) economy is a lesson learned and design milestonesnot repeated.
{{int}}March 12, 2010 -- 2010 [ Blizzard Composer Russel Brower interviewed] by CVG, and he says they will take the music wider and further in Diablo III.
{{blz}}March 12, 2010 -- 2010 [ Blizzard Bashiok discusses class-specific weapon] concepts in Diablo 3. [ -class-specific -weapons/ Much more follow up], as Bashiok is explaining just how it will not ruin anything and also that the progress of animate said weapons are going smoothlya few days later.
[[File:Tower-closeup-monk1.jpg|frame|The [[Burning Tower]].]]{{blz}}March 11, 2010 -- 2010 [ Shields, pets and healing] discussed in blue posts by [[Bashiok]].
{{com}}March 10, -- 2010 [ The mysterious burning tower] is explored by Flux, who brings up screenshots and facts from various sources. The [[Burning Tower]] also has a wiki article.
{{oth}}March 7, 2010 -- [ More D3 Previews on the Jace Hall Show], but since it's a humour show, it;s nothing real and as such nothing major.
{{oth}} March 6, 2010 -- A community vote measures the popularity of the various characters, showing a fairly even distribution of fans amongst the four so far revealed.* '''Your first D3 char will be:'''** Barbarian -- 367 votes, 24.22%** , Wizard -- 319 votes, 21.06%** , Witch Doctor -- 256 votes, 16.9%** , Monk -- 245 votes, 16.17%** , Undecided. More infos, plz -- 190 votes, 12.54%** , Fifth character will be the coolest -- 138 votes, 9.11%* Total Votes: 1515.
{{blz}} March 5, 2010 -- [ Bashiok on random monsters] and scripted events.