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1,675 bytes added, 23:57, 4 February 2010
no edit summary
* '''Gull''' - Gull Unique Dagger.
* '''GW''' - Grim Ward. A Barbarian War Cry Skill.
Up to here. Merging data from to this page. Leave for now please. ta. --[[User:Elly|Elly]] 18:11, 4 February 2010 (UTC)
* '''H''' -- Hell. Third and last difficulty of Diablo 1 and 2.
* [[Hack]] -- (v) To cheat or use exploits in a game. (n) A program that enables such cheats.
* '''Harley''' - Harlequin Crest Elite Unique Shako.* '''HB''' - Holy Bolt. A Paladin combat skill.* '''HC''' -- [[Hard Core]]. One death and game over.* '''HC''' - High Council (uniques found in the Travincal Act3, Durrance of hate lvl 3 Act3 and Worldstone Keep lvl 3).* '''HCMTF''' - Hit Causes Monster to Flee.* '''Hellslayer''' - Hellslayer Elite Unique Decapitator* '''Heph''' - Hephasto the Armorer. Act 4 super unique monster.* '''HF''' - Holy Freeze. A Paladin offensive aura to chill enemies.* '''HoBL''' - Hand of Blessed Light Unique Divine Scepter* '''HoJ''' - Hand of Justice. A v1.10 Runeword.* '''Homunculus''' - Homunculus Unique Hierophant Trophy* '''Hork(ing)''' - Using the Barbarian skill Find Item on corpses of slain enemies can yield items, dubbed horking.* '''Horn (Eaglehorn)''' - Eaglehorn Elite Unique Crusader Bow.* '''Hot''' -- Warning that a portal is dangerous to enter.* '''HotO''' - Heart of the Oak. A v1.10 Runeword.* '''HoW - Heart of Wolverine. A Druid summoning skill* '''HoZ''' - Herald Of Zakarum Unique Gilded Shield.
* '''HP''' -- Hit Points.
* '''HR''' - high rune - definitions vary, depending on the realm
* '''HS '''- Holy Shield. A Paladin combat skill to boost shield characteristics.
* '''HS''' - Holy Shock.
* '''i.e.''' -- That is, for example. (''id est'' in Latin).
* IAS - Increased Attack Speed/Initial Attack Speed.
* IB - Ice Blast. An attack skill on the Sorceress' Cold Tree.
* IBS - Invisible Bone Spirit. Bone spirit no longer becomes visible if off screen. Hazard in duels. Contact your local Necro for more details.
* '''ID''' -- Identify.
* IG - Iron Golem.* '''IIRC''' -- If I recall correctly.* IK _______ - Piece of Immortal King's Set. Made for Barbarians.* IK Maul - Immortal King's Stone Crusher Set Ogre Maul
* '''Ilvl''' -- Item Level.
* IM - Iron Maiden. A Necromancer Curse.
* '''IMHO''' -- In my humble/honest opinion.
* Immo - Immolation Arrow. An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree.
* '''IMO''' -- In my opinion
* '''Ind''' -- Indestructible.
* '''Inv''' -- Inventory.
* Ire - Skullder's Ire Exceptional Unique Russet Armor.
* '''[[Ironman]]''' -- A [[LotL]]-related play style that does not allow characters to return to town or interact with NPCs in anyway, other than as required to complete quests.
* IS - Iron Skin. A Barbarian mastery to increase defense.
* '''ISO''' -- in search of
* ITD - Ignore Target's Defense
* Izzy - Izual. Act 4 super unique monster.