About Fan Monsters
::History is still there :> I initially thought you archived by deletion, to be honest. All's well and good again, anyhow :) --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 21:58, 21 October 2009 (CEST)
== About Fan Monsters ==
Hey, Leord, I have two questions about Fan Monsters:
1/ Is it possible to accept my form of monster description /the one shown in the battle.net forum/?
Here it is:
CLASS -Specify monster class - often met, rarely met, weak, tough, very tough, miniboss, boss or whatever else class you wish.
APPEARANCE - Describe how the monster looks - colours and other specific things.
SIZE - Specify the size of the monster - height/lenght and other specific things.
DESCRIPTION, BEHAVIOUR AND SKILLS - Describe the monster's behaviour, where is it met and its skills one by one.
SOUNDS - describe what sounds does your creature make.
DEATH - describe how exactly does your monster die.
ITEMS DROPPED - describe what kind of items does your monster drop when killed.
EXPERIENCE - say how much experience does your monster give when killed - few, medium, lots or whatever else you say.
2/ I think there is a mistake in your example when you tell us how to create a new fan monster. You said that we should just type the name of the monster like http://www.diablowiki.net/Fan_class:Banana_Hammock . Shouldn't it be
http://www.diablowiki.net/Fan_monster:Banana_Hammock ?
I just wandered if you made a mistake... Am I right?