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457 bytes removed, 03:24, 25 September 2009
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|game= Diablo III
|portrait= Monk1.jpg
<!--|portrait-width= 200px-->
<!--|name= -->
|classtype= official
|role= [[Melee]]/[[Caster]]
|attrib= [[Strength]] [[Dexterity]] [[Vitality]] [[Willpower]] [[Life]] [[Mana]]
<!-- Class Skills -->
|skilltree1= [[Skill Tree A]]
|skilltree2= [[Skill Tree B]]
|skilltree3= [[Skill Tree C]]
<!-- Background -->
|origin= [[Sanctuary]]
|affiliation= Monks of [[Ivgorod]]
|friends= None Known
|foes= None Known
The male Monk character comes from the Monasteries of [[Ivgorod]] in the Foothills. They are taken into the Monastery at a young age, where they are taught ancient knowledge; the belief in 1001 gods that dwell within everything (one god in water, one god in fire, one god in the air, etc.), martial arts, and meditation to purify the body and soul.