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[[Image:demonsbane.jpg|right|200px]][[Diablo: Demonsbane]] was the pioneer of the Diablo Series books, published in 2000 and written by author [[Robert B. Marks]] (of [http://www.diii.net/categories/category/garwulfs-corner Garwulf's Corner ] fame). This was formerly published as an ebook when the market was still young, thus the sales on the ebook was only within hundreds.
Diablo: Demonsbane was reprinted on paper as one of four books within the [[Diablo Archive]] (July 2008) shortly after the official announcement of Diablo 3.
==External Links==
* [http://www.diii.net/categories/category/garwulfs-corner Garwulf's Corner - Famous column on Diabloii.net ]* [http://www.diii.net/blog/comments/garwulf-interviewed-demonsbane/ interviewed Robert MarksDemonsbane Interview by Diabloii.net] about Demonsbane, and also * [http://www.diii.net/blog/comments/demonsbane-review/ posted a reviewDemonsbane Review by Diabloii.net] of the novella.
* [http://books.simonandschuster.com/Diablo-Demonsbane/Robert-B-Marks/9780743418997 Simon & Schuster]
* [http://garwulf.livejournal.com/10573.html?mode=reply Robert B. Marks Blog]