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Media Coverage

2 bytes removed, 00:43, 6 September 2009
August 2009: Gamescom
There were some early news reports of interesting D3 stuff from Gamescom, but the last 2 days of the event were entirely overshadowed by the much bigger news and media coverage coming from Anaheim.
{{newsoth}} 14 August, 2009. [ Blizzard confirms that Diablo 3] will be playable at the Gamescom.
{{pre}} 19 August, 2009. [ Kotaku posts a hands-on from Gamescom], and some shaky cam footage of D3 in action surfaces.
{{pre}} 19 August, 2009. [ posts a hands-on] report from Gamescom.
{{pre}} 20 August, 2009. [ More Gamescom reports] and some more video footage as well.
{{vid}} 21 August, 2009. [ Four more videos of D3] from Gamescom hit YouTube.
===August 2009: Pre-Blizzcon===