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261 bytes added, 15:58, 19 August 2009
no edit summary
**** [[:Category:Act I levels]] - Act I area levels. (*)
**** [[:Category:Act II levels]] - Act II area levels. (*)
*** [[:Category:Towns]] - Towns in game where you trade, are safe from enemies etc. Can be a small base camp or Caldeum. Possibly having "Act I Towns" later.
** [[:Category:Classes]] - Diablo Classes. (*) (primarily D3 classes)
** [[:Category:Characters]] - Important characters in the Diablo Universe, such as [[Diablo]], [[Deckard Cain]] and [[Tyrael]].
*** [[:Category:Character images]] - Images of characters. (*)
** [[:Category:Races]] - Listing the different sorts of races inhabiting the Diablo universe.
*** [[:Category:Angels]] - All topics relating to angels.
*** [[:Category:Deities]] - All the gods and god-like beings of [[Sanctuary]]. Deities are generally classed as both characters and deities.
*** [[:Category:Demons]] - Type of monsters. Also the race of beings from Hell.(*)  ** [[:Category:Locations ]] - In-game and lore locations. It can be anything from "Tristram" to "The Tree of Infuss". Used only for categories. (lore*)*** [[:Category:Settlements]] - Settlements of people of any kind. Hamlets, Villages, Towns and Cities.**** [[:Category:Caldeum]] - Category for the trade city of [[Caldeum]] and the [[Town]] Caldeum..*** [[:Category:Regions]] - Locations Large areas in the Diablo Universe as well as game.(former: Areas)*** [[:Category:Planes]] - Planes of existence, elemental, etheral or the like.*** [[:Category:Dungeons]] - Things like caves.*** [[:Category:Ruins]] - Lost cities, castles etc.*** [[:Category:Worlds]] - The worlds.**** [[:Category:Burning Hells]] - Home of the demons.**** [[:Category:High Heavens]] - Home of angles.**** [[:Category:Sanctuary]] - The mortal realm in the Diablo universe.***** [[:Category:Nations of Sanctuary]] - Nations of civilised groups of people. (*)
*** [[:Category:Maps]] - All maps available for Diablo. Depicting [[Sanctuary]] and other locations. (*)
*** [[:Category:Settlements]] - Settlements of people. Hamlets, Villages, Towns and Cities.
**** [[:Category:Caldeum]] - Category for the trade city of [[Caldeum]].
Optional settlement structure
**** [[:Category:Cities]] - Large cities.
**** [[:Category:Hamlets]] - Few houses
**** [[:Category:Towns (settlement)]] - Small towns
**** [[:Category:Villages]] - Villages. <!-- (Might use only "town" instead, or use "village" as lore version of "town"-->*** [[:Category:Regions]] - Large regions in the Diablo Universe. (former: Areas)*** [[:Category:Planes]] - Planes of existence, elemental, etheral or the like.*** [[:Category:Dungeons]] - Creepy!*** [[:Category:Ruins]] - Destroyed!*** [[:Category:Worlds]] - The worlds.>**** [[:Category:Burning Hells]] - Home of the demons.**** [[:Category:High Heavens]] - Home of angles.**** [[:Category:Sanctuary]] - The mortal realm in the Diablo universe. [[Geography]]***** [[:Category:Ethnic groups]] - The people of (mostly) Sanctuary. (*)****** [[:Category:Umbaru]] - Jungle race on the eastern continent.***** [[:Category:Nations of Sanctuary]] - Nations of civilised groups of people. (*) 
** [[:Category:Factions]] - All types of factions in Sanctuary.
*** [[:Category:Religions]] - Religions, congregations and sects.
*** [[:Category:Nations of Sanctuary]] - Nations of civilised groups of people. (*)
*** [[:Category:Other groups]] - Other factions, too small to have their own category.
** [[:Category:Artefacts]] - Items, books, important enough to be called artefacts.
*** [[:Category:Books]] - Books of mundane or magical nature. (*)
 ** [[:Category:Books]] - Books of mundane or magical nature. (*)