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430 bytes added, 15:48, 19 August 2009
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** [[:Category:Statistics]] - Character [[Attributes]] and calculations.
*** [[:Category:Character]] - Character [[Attributes]], [[Inventory]] and related topics. (*)
<!** [[:Category:Acts]] -Diablo 3 Acts. Unknown exactly how this will be designed, so we assume Diablo II structure for now.*** [[:Category:Act I]] - Everything to do with Act I.**** [[:Category:Act I levels]] -The levels which Acts might be divided in to. Everything related to that level. (*)**** [[:Category:Act I locations]] ->Locations only in Act I. (*)**** [[:Category:ActsAct I quests]] - Act I quests. (*) ** [[:Category:Locations]] - Diablo 3 ActsIn-game and lore locations. It can be anything from "Tristram" to "The Tree of Infuss". Used only for categories.(*)*** [[:Category:Game locations]] - Both a major category, and over-arching category for all locations in the game with a name. Put location articles here.**** [[:Category:Act Ilocations]] - Locations only in Act I. (*)**** [[:Category:Act IIlocations]] - Locations only in Act II. (*)*** [[:Category:Levels]] - The levels which Acts might be divided in to.- NOT experience levels!
**** [[:Category:Act I levels]] - Act I area levels. (*)
**** [[:Category:Act I quests]] - Act I quests. (*)
*** [[:Category:Act II]] - Act II.
**** [[:Category:Act II levels]] - Act II area levels. (*)
**** [[:Category:Act II questsTowns]] - Act II quests. (*) ** [[:Category:Levels]] - Diablo 3 area Levels. - NOT experience levels!*** [[:Category:Act I levels]] - Act I area levels. (*)*** [[:Category:Act II levels]] - Act II area levels. (*) ** [[:Category:Locations]] - Locations Towns in Diablo 3 levelsgame where you trade, are safe from enemies etc. Also add lore cat if neededCan be a small base camp or Caldeum.*** [[:Category:Maps]] - All maps available for Diablo. Depicting [[Sanctuary]] and other locations. (*) ** [[:Category:Towns]] - Game towns
** [[:Category:Classes]] - Diablo Classes. (*) (primarily D3 classes)