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Fan class

96 bytes added, 10:41, 2 July 2009
Example Fan Classes
==Example Fan Classes==
Two Three primary fan classes have been made that are great examples of detailed and thought-through ideas implemented to display for fans everywhere: The '''[[Fan_class:Flagellant|Flagellant]]''' and the , '''[[Fan_class:Arcane Warrior|Arcane Warrior]]''' and the '''[[Fan_class:Zealot|Zealot]]'''. Both All three have detailed class design, skill trees and even concept art.
Image:Flagellant_portrait2.jpg|[[Fan_class:Flagellant|Flagellant]] concept art.
Image:Arcane_Warrior.jpg|[[Fan_class:Arcane Warrior|Arcane Warrior]] art.
Image:Male_Zealot.jpg|Male [[Fan_class:Zealot|Zealot]].
* '''[[:Category:Fan classes|Full list of fan classes]]'''.
==Questions and Answers==