Cinematic: Monk - Diablo Wiki
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Cinematic: Monk

This cinematic was released at BlizzCon in August 2009. It introduces the Monk character, and shows off some of the scenery we'll visit and monsters players will face in Act 2 of Diablo 3. The video concludes with a stylized battle against a Morlu Caster.

This is not a true pre-rendered cinematic from the Blizzard Cinematics Department. It, like the Wizard intro cinematic, was produced using the Diablo 3 game engine, machinima style.


Monk Cinematic

Visit Blizzard's movies page for links to download this one in higher quality.

The version below is embedded from the Diablo3Inc channel on

Additional Information

The male Monk.

Numerous monsters, locations, and characters are shown in this movie. Click the following links for more information on many of them.


Many dozens of high quality screenshots from this movie can be seen in the Image Gallery. Examples are included on this page.

The Monk lands an uppercut on the Morlu Caster.
