Teleport is a magical spell, allowing the caster to instantly transport himself/herself a short distance through the Ether. Mainly used to avoid danger, or used in rapid progression for quicker movement.
Diablo III Teleport
The Wizard will be able to use her Teleport skill much similar to previous Diablo games. The difference is that she jumps up in the air, teleports, and lands at target destination. It makes the transportations slightly slower, but still very fast. In addition to this, the spell can be used offensively with skill runes.
The Teleport spell is a way for trained magic users to traverse the Ether, and with the speed of thought materializing in another location. This skill works without the aid of external gateways like the Town Portal spell or Waypoints, but is likely using similar techniques to transport. The Teleport spell is only reliable for short distances, like teleporting up a few stories in your tower apartments, or to escape immediate danger.
It's unknown why the spell is only usable in short distances, but the likely scenario is that it becomes significantly harder to return to the Physical realm, the farther away you try to re-emerge, and is why these beacon-like gateways have been made for Waypoints and Town Portal spells.
Teleport Development
In Diablo I, all classes with enough intellect could use the Teleport spell, albeit that any class besides the Sorcerer did so with a much longer casting time, as with all spells.
In Diablo II there was only one class capable of using Teleport without the use of the rune word Enigma, the Sorceress, as the spell system worked in a skill tree rather than just a spellbook.
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