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Crusader skills

Revision as of 23:29, 5 November 2017 by Elly (talk | contribs) (Passives)

These are the known skills of the Crusader and are subject to change. The information was gathered from videos and screenshots released at Gamescom 2013 and from datamined information made available by Blizzard.

Skills that have been seen in videos or screenshots are matched up with the the appropriate icons and these are marked with *. Others skills are matched with the best guess icon.[1]


Icon Name Stats (Hover over) Level Unlocked
Punish (Stats) 1
Slash (Stats) 3
Smite (Stats) 11
Justice (Stats) 15


Icon Name Stats (Hover over) Level Unlocked
Shield Bash (Stats) 2
Sweep Attack (Stats) 5
Blessed Hammer (Stats) 12
Blessed Shield (Stats) 20
Fist of the Heavens (Stats) 26


Icon Name Stats (Hover over) Level Unlocked
Shield Glare (Stats) 4
Iron Skin (Stats) 8
Consecration (Stats) 16
Judgment (Stats) 22
Fist of the Heavens (Stats) 26


Icon Name Stats (Hover over) Level Unlocked
Provoke (Stats) 9
Steed Charge (Stats) 13
Condemn (Stats) 21
Phalanx (Stats) 27


Icon Name Stats (Hover over) Level Unlocked
Laws of Valor (Stats) 14
Laws of Justice (Stats) 17
Laws of Hope (Stats) 23


Icon Name Stats (Hover over) Level Unlocked
Falling Sword (Stats) 19
Akarat's Champion (Stats) 25
Heaven's Fury (Stats) 30
Bombardment (Stats) 61

