Bartuc was Horazon's brother. Both were members of the Eastern mage clan known as the Vizjerei. This mystic clan studied the ways of demons and had catalogued their lore for generations. While Horazon focused on the mastering of the arcane magic and mind control, Bartuc leaned toward demonic magic.
Bartuc was lured to the side of Darkness and granted exceptional strength and longevity. Bartuc served and fought alongside the legions of Hell against his brethren, the Vizjerei, during the Sin War. His prowess as a warrior among the demon ranks eventually taxed him with madness and the insatiable lust for mortal blood. Bartuc soon became fond of bathing in the blood of his enemies who immediately identified him for his reddish-stained armor. For this, he came to be known as the Warlord of Blood.
- Diablo I Manual, page 62
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