Diablo: Demonsbane was the pioneer of the Diablo Series books on 1999 by author Robert B. Marks (of Garwulf's Corner fame). This was formerly published as an ebook when the market was still young. Thus the sales on the ebook was only within hundreds.
Diablo: Demonsbane was reprinted on paper as one of four books within the Diablo Archive (July 2008) shortly after the official announcement of Diablo 3.
The following scriptures are found throughout Diablo: Demonsbane at the beginning of each chapter.
Holy Scriptures of Zakarum
And the hosts of Hell looked upon man, and swore vengeance for their defeat by the Vizjerei.
“No more will these creatures deny us,” swore the Prime Evils, “for we are greater than they.” And thus began the Sin War. —The Holy Scriptures of Zakarum
Alas, mourn for the open road! For where there was once wonder and mystery, Now there is mistrust and death. —Jiltarian of Khanduras, Lamentations
Tenets of Zakarum
Do not embrace hatred, for it can breed only destruction. Embrace love instead, for those who love can change the world itself. —Gesinius of Kehjistan,Tenets of Zakarum
The Words of Horazon
How can I possibly stay? I have seen my own brother die before the gates of my city, possessed by darkness.
I have seen all that I know changed beyond recognition. I must leave, for my soul is empty of all but sorrow. —Velinon the Archmage, The Words of Horazon
The Lay of Arkaine
Arkaine spoke, opened his word-hoard, “Fate will always aid when one’s bravery holds, and when one’s cause is great and just.” —The Lay of Arkaine
Holy Scriptures of Zakarum 2
Cherish all of Mankind, for Man has as much of the divine as the Archangels themselves. But unlike the Heavenly spirits, Man must overcome his failings, and chief amongst them is pride. —The Holy Scriptures of Zakarum
Godfrey Questions
What is bravery? Are those who fight in a hopeless cause brave, for they die for their beliefs? Are those who run from death brave, for it is easier to die than live? Or is bravery instead pushing aside one’s fear to do what is necessary, be it to live or die? —Godfrey of Westmarch, Questions
Sayings of the Northmen
It is possible to have freedom, and it is possible to have peace. It is rare to have both. — Dil’Gerran of Kehjistan, Sayings of the Northmen
Godfrey Quotations
To fight the battle is easy. To wait for it to begin is terrifying. —Godfrey of Westmarch, Quotations
The Craft of War
Always respect the purity of battle. For only in the heat of combat are all pretenses of nobility and quality stripped away, replaced by survival and death. —Leoric of Khanduras, The Craft of War
While an army can accomplish more than one man, there are times when an individual can achieve that which a legion cannot. —Tobarius of Kehjistan, Philosophies
Tenets of Zakarum 2
Who can see the plans of Heaven or Hell? Do not seek to know the unknowable, for fate will reveal all when the time is right. —Gesinius of Kehjistan, Tenets of Zakarum