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Wynton Courtyard

Revision as of 12:36, 19 September 2014 by Widus (talk | contribs)
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Wynton Courtyard appears in Westmarch Commons in Act V.

Map of the Courtyard (v2.0.5)
The last room (v2.0.5)

Access to LevelsEdit

Events in Wynton CourtyardEdit

Common Monsters found in Wynton CourtyardEdit

Special Monsters found in Wynton CourtyardEdit

Dialogs in Wynton CourtyardEdit


Nephalem: "This is not the reapers' work. Who did this?"
Nephalem: "More dead."

When entering the last room
Gorrel: "Death to the nobles!"
Nephalem: "What is going on here?"
Gorrel: "Revolution! It's time for our oppressors to fall. The king is in the city, but we have a trap waiting for him."
Nephalem: "You plot and scheme at a time like this?"
Gorrel: "What? You're not with us? Then die with our enemies!"

Lore Entries Found in Wynton CourtyardEdit

Associated AchievementsEdit

Wynton Courtyard is somehow associated with the Long Live the King and People Finder Achievements.
