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Adventure mode

Revision as of 08:41, 14 November 2013 by Elly (talk | contribs)

Adventure mode is a category of game types introduced with Reaper of Souls. This mode of play gives players access to Bounties and to Explore.

Adventure Types

  • Bounties are set tasks. For example, locate and kill a Superunique or Boss monster or complete an event or clear a dungeon and be rewarded with Experience, Gold and possibly a Rift Keystone. You access a Bounty by using the Waypoint map and selecting a waypoint marked with an exclamation mark (!) or Diablo's skull icon (indicating boss or quest boss). [1]

  • Explore allows you to jump between any Waypoint in any Act without having to complete quests.

Adventure Requirements

The requirements are still being heavily experimented with but as of November 2013 players have to complete each act in Campaign mode to unlock access to that act in Adventure mode:[2]

At the moment, players are not actually required to complete the entire game in Campaign Mode before unlocking Adventure Mode. Whether or not it stays that way is another matter, but for the moment we’re allowing you to unlock each Act, one by one. So, complete Act I in Campaign Mode on one of your characters, now you’ve got Act I unlocked in Adventure Mode. Complete Act II on one of your characters in Campaign, boom — Acts I and II are now unlocked in Adventure Mode. And so on. Completing an Act in Campaign Mode would also unlock that Act in Adventure Mode for all your characters on your account, not just the one who completed in Campaign Mode.

Adventure mode is a flat difficulty and is scaled to your character (dynamic difficulty), there are no difficulty settings such (normal, nightmare etc)[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Bounty Details - IncGamers' Gameplay Report, 08/11/13
  2. Unlocking Adventure mode - CM, Blizzard Entertainment, 13/11/13