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Official Diablo 3 Website

Revision as of 15:23, 12 December 2008 by Leord (talk | contribs)

The Official Diablo 3 Website is the source of all official information on Diablo 3. You may find it over at Official

Tyrael Wing Update

How he appeared before...
How he appears now...
How he appears with no logo...

Some time on December 10th, the website was changed, which updated the main navigation header. The updates include:

  • Tyrael now has vastly improved glowing wings.
  • An ambient sound was added to the main page.
  • The navigation bar now emits a red fog/mist from the main Diablo 3 logo.
  • A loading bar appears above the selected language indicating completion progress for that page's navigation bar.

Media Updates

  • Media Update #3 - 12.11.2008
"We have added three new pieces of artwork and seven new screenshots."
  • Media Update #2 - 08.14.2008
"We have added three new pieces of artwork, two new screenshots, and one new wallpaper."
  • Media Update #1 - 07.24.2008
"We have added three new pieces of artwork, two new screenshots, and one new wallpaper."

Beastiary Updates

The Diablo 3 Bestiary now features a new creature from the realm of Sanctuary: the ferocious scavenger.
The Diablo 3 Bestiary now features a new creature from the realm of Sanctuary: the terrifying Dune Thresher.