Template:Farming:john gorham coffin - Diablo Wiki
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Template:Farming:john gorham coffin

Revision as of 00:00, 12 December 2012 by Elly (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{editlink float|Template:Farming:john_gorham_coffin}}:#From the Quest Selection screen take quest 3. Shattered Crown > Northwest Gate.<br> :#Take that gate from Tristram,...")
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  1. From the Quest Selection screen take quest 3. Shattered Crown > Northwest Gate.
  2. Take that gate from Tristram, run up through The Weeping Hollow and into the Cemetery of the Forsaken.
  3. Locate the crypt with 2 levels.
  4. Make your way down to the Chancellor's Tomb where you'll get a Checkpoint just as you enter it. This will enable you to farm the crypts by leaving the game, Resuming and re-appearing at this spot.
  5. Go back up to the first level of the crypt. Hunt for John.

Special Notes: