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Revision as of 12:16, 4 December 2012 by Flux (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Players say they are "farming" an area or boss when they are repeatedly clearing the same area for the rewards, rather than merely trying to survive. Players generally use th...")
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Players say they are "farming" an area or boss when they are repeatedly clearing the same area for the rewards, rather than merely trying to survive.

Players generally use the term when they are able to routinely power through an area and can thus play it for profit and speed, rather than merely trying to survive. So a player might say, "My Barbarian is now strong enough to farm Act Three on MP5." meaning they could clear that area without much risk of death, and do it quickly enough for solid rewards. Or, "I've been farming Nekarat all day and he still hasn't dropped the damn plan."