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Template:Jeweler training

Revision as of 23:25, 19 July 2012 by Elly (talk | contribs)
Jewelcrafting Training Cost in Pages, Tomes of Jewelcrafting/Secrets & Gold
Level Gold to train
to that level
# of Pages
of J'crafting
# of Tomes
of J'crafting
# of Tomes
of Secrets
1. Apprentice 0 0 0 0
2. Journeyman 5k 0 0 0
3. Adept 5k 0 0 0
4. Master 10k 10 0 0
5. Grand Master 10k 10 0 0
6. Illustrious 10k 0 10 0
7. Magnificent 20k 0 10 0
8. Resplendent 20k 0 0 10
9. Glorious 30k 0 0 10
10. Exalted 40k 0 0 20