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Revision as of 03:21, 27 June 2012 by Cortreez (talk | contribs) (Added text for "Proclaimation from the Imperial Guard" and "Deceiver's Orders")

Eavesdropper is an achievement obtainable in Act 2. It involves the collection of Quest Lore items.



Guard's Orders

Location: Khasim Outpost, north of the Stinging Winds

Quest: The Road to Alcarnus

"Captain of the Guard, you are hereby ordered to send a band of your most loyal men to secure the Khasim Outpost. Control of the city hangs by a thread. The commoners are becoming restless, and it is imperative that we subdue them. Remain vigilant, for there may be an outsider within our borders, looking to stir up trouble. -(Illegible Signature)"

Proclamation from the Imperial Guard

Location: Caldeum Bazaar found right after coming from the Hidden Camp, to the left, It only appeared after starting A Royal Audience

Quest: A Royal Audience

"A trespasser has been sighted in the city sewers. Witnesses describe the suspect as a young woman in a crimson tunic. Reports indicate that she arrived in Caldeum recently along with a party of suspicious travelers. Any information leading to her immediate capture will be handsomely rewarded by His Eminence."

Missive to Maghda, part 1

Location: Howling Plateau

Quest: Shadows in the Desert

Inside Hidden Conclave on lootable corpse.

"Maghda, This "hero" means to attack you in Alcarnus. If I were you, I would set a trap at Khasim Outpost, but I am not you. For all I know, you wish to fail me again and force me to kill you. That would grieve me, though somehow... I think I could manage it. -Belial"

Missive to Maghda, part 2

Location: Alcarnus In the upper part directly to the right after going up the stairs

Quest: City of Blood

"Maghda, such sad, sad tales have reached me of your truly abysmal failure to stop the enemy at the Khasim Outpost. But at least the enemy's spy has been found. Once we eliminate her and her allies, this obnoxious little world will all to me...and perhaps you. If you survive. -Belial"

Missive to Maghda, part 3

Location: Unknown

Quest: Unknown

"Text Unknown"

Deceiver's Orders, part 1

Location: Sewers of Caldeum on a corpse of a servant of Belial

Quest: Unexpected Allies

"My exemplary servants, keep the witch alive until she talks. Pain will loose her tongue, but only to a point. Remember what happened with the vizier's assistant...? It was a pleasurable time, I admit, but the man had only incoherent babble and bloody strands of pus spilling from his lips by the end. - Belial"

Deceiver's Orders, part 2

Location: Unknown

Quest: Unknown

"Overwhelm the enemy and seize her companions. There is a witch among them and...another...a girl. Bring them to me along with the Black Soulstone. They will be searching for the head of Zoulton Kulle. Scour the oasis for it. Some old sorcery lingers on the skull, and it must be mine."

Deceiver's Orders, part 3

Location: Desolate Sands On a convoy of Belial near the middle of the map

Quest: The Black Soulstone

"Text Unknown"

The Feared Hero

Location: Stinging Winds This is after the Khasim Outpost

Quest: City of Blood

"We camp, lying in wait for a hero of incredible prowess. My gut churns with the suspicion that we are simply fodder. I have heard tales of this hero wading through our ranks, slaughtering us as if we were children. I will not sleep again tonight, I fear. - Dark Cultist"

Hunter's Journal, part 1

Location: The Forgotten Ruins

Quest: Betrayer of the Horadrim

"Text Unknown"

Hunter's Journal, part 2

Location: Western Channel In the Aquaducts north of the Dahlgul Oasis

Quest: Blood and Sand

"Text Unknown"

Hunter's Journal, part 3

Location: Desolate Sands Top left area of the map

Quest: Any Quest

"Text Unknown"

Hunter's Journal, part 4

Location: The Storm Halls Near the end where you activate the Shadow Lock

Quest: The Black Soulstone

"Text Unknown"

Hunter's Journal, part 5

Location: The Unknown Depths By the Shadow Lock at the end on a Satchel

Quest: The Black Soulstone

"Text Unknown"

Hunter's Journal, part 6

Location: The Forgotten Ruins Dropped off boss after Head of Kulle was acquired

Quest: Betrayer of the Horadrim

"Text Unknown"