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A caster type class or monster, is capable of using magical spells, or spell-like abilities to accomplish tasks rather than brute force and melee combat. They are usually not excluded from melee, but they generally prefer (through AI or player choices) and excel in ranged spellcasting. This is the classic definition of a caster. Many spells used by casters are ranged, uses an Area of Effect or both.

Caster Classes

In Diablo III, the following classes are considered "caster" classes:

  • Wizard - Pure spell caster. Has melee spells, but don't physically hit monsters often.
  • Witch Doctor - Spell caster with some random bits thrown in for ranged and close combat.
  • Other classes - Many players are expecting some sort of melee/caster hybrid as an class to be announced by Blizzard.

Caster Type Monsters

Monsters that can cast spells are also called "casters". Their selection of spells varies but they are usually only able to use a few spells per type of monster. Here are a few examples of caster monsters:

A caster monster spell can be a spell used by a character class, a spell only used on scrolls or staves, or a custom-made spell for that monster. They include offensive and defensive spells.

  • Offensive spells include effects such as a Firebolt, Fireball or Frost Nova.
  • Defensive spells are usually buffs, healing or resurrection spells.

Related Articles

Related articles include:

  • Melee - Close range combat.
  • Ranged - Overlapping casters to some degree.