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Historian of the High Heavens

Revision as of 01:42, 22 May 2012 by Nick1212 (talk | contribs) (The Creation of Sanctuary, Part 2)

Historian of the High Heavens is an achievement obtainable in Act 4. It involves the collection of World Lore items.



The Creation of Sanctuary, Part 1

Location: The Silver Spire part 1, near the middle-ish area of the map in between some flames on the ground

Quest: Prime Evil

"Text unknown"

The Creation of Sanctuary, Part 2

Location: The Silver Spire Level 1, farther down than the first book

Quest: Prime Evil

"Text unknown"

The Creation of Sanctuary, Part 3

Location: Unknown

Quest: Unknown

"Text unknown"

The Creation of Sanctuary, Part 4

Location: Unknown

Quest: Unknown

"Text unknown"