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Cemetery of the Forsaken

Revision as of 02:51, 29 April 2012 by Elly (talk | contribs)

The Cemetery of the Forsaken is located within Act I.


Areas and Dungeons within Cemetery of the Forsaken

Access to Levels


Common Monsters

Checkpoint Location

Checkpoints are respawn points. Players who die appear back at the last checkpoint they reached.

Just beyond the gates of the Cemetery of the Forsaken - Passed on 'A Shattered Crown' quest.

Waypoint Location

Waypoints are special plates on the ground that form a network of jump points allowing players to instantly teleport between.

Just inside the entrance from The Weeping Hollow.


  • Enchantress: "There are so many crypts here—I fear we will face much danger."
  • Scoundrel: "Is it really a good idea to walk into a cemetery right now?"
  • Templar: "This will be rough."
