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Bartuc was the brother of Horazon and like him a significant figure among the Vizjerei mage clans, but eventually turned against them and to the side of Darkness in The Sin War. He allied with the forces of Hell in order to better gain understanding of demonic magics, but turned to bloodlust and madness and in the end fought against his own brother, who slew him. He was obsessed with bloodshed, and came to be known only as the Warlord of Blood. Though he is said to have died in battle against Horazon, he can be found reincarnated as a boss in Diablo, guarding the armories of Hell.

Near the end of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, there's also a unique "Council Member" (demonic, once-human spellcaster) called Bartuc the Bloody. He is unleashed upon the player character by Baal in the Throne of Destruction. The unique assassin talon "Bartuc's Cut-Throat", found in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, is presumably named after him.

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