Beta Patch 9 - Diablo Wiki
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Beta Patch 9

Revision as of 02:46, 9 January 2012 by Elly (talk | contribs) (added cat)

Diablo 3 Beta Pactch #9 - 21 December 2011

  • Your BattleTag code will now properly appear in the Add Friend dialog box
  • Fixed an issue with promoting players to Party Leader via in-game portraits
  • Fixed an issue where sending out in-game invites to multiple players could sometimes cause the Party Leader’s client to freeze when the invites were accepted
  • Fixed an issue where interacting with a character’s banner in a co-op game could cause a player to become momentarily stuck
  • Fixed an issue where rapidly equipping and un-equipping items from your inventory could sometimes cause the inventory UI to lag out
  • Fixed an issue where quickly adding items from a full inventory into the shared stash would not always move the items over correctly
  • Fixed a number of additional issues and crashes that were affecting gameplay