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Captain Rumford

Revision as of 12:48, 17 October 2008 by Leord (talk | contribs)
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Captain Rumford is found outside of the Tristram Woods, piling up a bonfire of corpses.

Here is a quote from the gameplay impression written after BlizzCon 2008: [1]

I am fortunate to be one of the lucky people who played the Diablo III demo showcased at BlizzCon 2008 in Anaheim. Not only was it a pleasure to play it, but left me craving for more. I decided to create a female Wizard. She spawns in the outskirts of the Tristram Woods where Captain Rumford and an armored warrior are piling up a bonfire of corpses. The warrior can be seen transporting the corpses off a wagon and into the bonfire.
Captain Rumford says they are burning the corpses to prevent them from rising as undead. NPCs that have something to say have a black oval with dots hovering above them when you place the cursor over them. A popup window displays the “introduction” option, feature that remains a constant from Diablo II. However, not only does each NPC talk to you. Your very own character talks back, interacting with the NPCs. By saying talk, I mean both: the NPC and your character have voice over actors adding emotion and life to the Action / RPG.