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Barbarian skills history

Revision as of 03:24, 24 September 2011 by MrFrye (talk | contribs) (updated)

This page lists the progression of the Barbarian's skills over the years.

BlizzCon 2008

The Barbarian's skills and skill trees were first seen at BlizzCon 2008 as a mix of active and passive skills (mostly passive), with only a few enabled and many showing nothing more than vague descriptions in the skill trees. The Barbarian's skills were divided among his skill trees thusly:

BlizzCon 2009

BlizzCon 2010

For BlizzCon 2010, the skill system was greatly overhauled. Skill trees were removed, and all active skills were placed on a single list. All passives were renamed traits and placed in a separate list.

5 new active skills introduced: Rampage, War Cry, Ancient Spear, Rend, and Call of the Ancients.

4 active skills lost: Battle Cry, Onslaught, Bloodthirst, and Enrage.

All 31 of the Barbarian traits were new skills except for two passives that were turned, more or less directly, into traits: Bad Temper and Second Wind. The other 15 passives were removed.