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Diablo 3 Basics

Revision as of 16:50, 15 September 2008 by Leord (talk | contribs) (Classes)
This is the main Fact Sheet of known Diablo III information. Regardless if you just heard that Diablo III is announced, or if you have been following some of the news, this page should be able to get you up to date!
Diablo III Logo.jpg



Diablo III will follow closely in Diablo II's track, and among the most heavily prioritized functions is the isometric view, fast gameplay and randomised content for high replayability. Some changes has been made to change details in the game to make it faster and more flexible, but also making players have to make choices and employ tactics rather than mindless grinding. Besides taking well learned lessons from WoW, the developers have been inspired by games such as Zelda and God of War.


Blizzard have confirmed that the game will ship with five character classes. Two classes have been revealed:

New with Diablo III is the choice of gender for each class. It's not as customizable as the characters in popular MMO World of WarCraft, but the developers have made it possible to choose a male or female character of the class they prefer.

Screenshot 8.jpg Screenshot 16.jpg


Diablo III will have a great array of monsters, and they will employ more intelligent behaviour, and effects as well. There will be more 'mini-boss' encounters that make for more epic gameplay, an example is the Thousand Pounder, who isn't really a boss, but a unit type. Other 'effects' include skeletons with large shields that can block and protects archers, ghouls that climb up from sheer walls to attack you, or Grotesques that explode into a hundred Lamprey monsters. We can expect many unique attack patterns and behaviours from the Diablo III monsters.


Barbarian swinging two magical axes.
While the system won't be identical to the one of Diablo II, it will be very similar. Items will drop randomly and have random attributes. Some of the things that definitely changed:
  • Runes no longer attach to weapons, and 'rune words' are completely removed.
  • The inventory is now 'WoW-style' with one slot per item. No more 'inventory-tetris'.
  • Items will now drop per character, and be invisible to other characters. They are still tradeable, but you will never go a run without loot again.
  • The Full List of Items contain all known items.
  • Potions are drastically changed, with some sort of limits. If it's less gained health/mana, or if it has a cooldown is unknown, but the old potion system is replaced by Health Orbs and the belt is replaced by a skill bar.


There is a small number of NPCs that are confirmed for Diablo III:


Sanctuary world map, with locations noted.
The world map of Sanctuary was actually released with the second Diablo game's manual, but a new an improved map has been made by Blizzard, outlining the continents and the major settlements. Many of these locations will be re-visited in Diablo III including Tristram. Areas close by that were never visited in the previous games will also have a chance, like the Leoric Highlands and Westmarch.

We have been shown detailed pictures of Skovos (the land of the Amazons), as well as Caldeum and Tristram. Skovos is confirmed to be excluded from the game, but the level of detail they are putting in to the universe suggests either a big expansion pack, MMOs or a film.

Outdoor areas will be less randomised than dungeons, and the terrain will for the most part be static. Instead a lot of random scripted events will take place, some will even be really advanced. It can vary from an escort quest, to a mouldy tome, or a big bad boss monster. You will also find interactive environments with dangerous traps and obstacles, and destructible elements. There will be "numerous" outdoor locations.


The only known dungeon of the game so far is the Forgotten Tomb, which is seen on the gameplay video. It seems to be located adjacent to the Leoric Highlands, and probably close to Tristram as well. Dungeons will be almost completely randomized, increasing replayability in the game. As a dungeon is a lot easier to randomize, these will be made different each time, and outdoor locations slightly more static. You will also find interactive environments with dangerous traps and obstacles, and destructible elements. There will be "numerous" dungeouns.

Story Line

The story line of the game takes place twenty years after a few powerful heroes saved Sanctuary from the demonic onslaught in Diablo II. This has gone by largely unnoticed by the general population as most of those warriors who directly faced Hell's armies (and were fortunate enough to survive) went mad from their experiences. Some people know that some sort of conflict took place, but for the most part the war against Diablo is a myth.

What happened to Tyrael after he destroyed the World Stone is unknown to everyone. Scholars like Deckard Cain anticipated a huge invasion of demonic forces as the protection from the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, but no invasion have begun. Cain has spent the last years trying to figure out what happened, and trying to prepare us for the inevitable onslaught.

We know from the Diablo III cinematic that a great comet of some importance is falling down on to the Tristram Cathedral, and that some unlucky soul (if it's Leah or Cain isn't sure) is hit by it. Hell's armies are amassing, and it isn't safe any more.


Not that much information is yet available in regards to quests, but what is known is that the quest system will help players interact more with the lore of the game, but still be optional, and not something you need to experience unless you so choose. Blizzard claim the quest system itself will be new. There will be the standard story-line quests, as well as optional random quests related to the game you are currently in and class-quests. The random quests will vary from game to game. The same location in the game might spawn a caravan needing protection, or a mouldy tome which contains a quest, or perhaps just a big bad monster.

Single Player and Multiplayer

You will be able to play Diablo III both offline on your PC/Mac as well as online with friends. Jay Wilson have said on numerous occasions that the primary focus will be co-op multiplayer, but not excluding single player game. They want all the fans to meet up together as one community, and will make huge changes to the current setup. The preferred multiplayer system for Diablo III will be Battle.net 2.0 and there will be NO LAN.

Besides the coop, it will also be possible to fight versus other players.

Battle.net 2.0

Blizzard have promised very big changes in Battle.net 2.0, and besides removing the LAN functionality, the idea is to encourage people to play online with Achievements, handy friends/foes lists and community support. You can read more about confirmed Battle.net features here:

Player Killing

PvP will be possible in Diablo III, but not as it works in Diablo II. Players will no longer be victim of "unwanted PvP action".

Other Changes

Among the things that are not listed under their own headline, there are a few other things to highlight about Diablo III:

  • The death penalty will be a lot more lenient. People will no longer loose experience when dying. Naturally, if the Hardcore mode makes a return, a death will be permanent, but potentially possible for friends to loot the corpse.
  • The old 'Mercenaries are now called followers, and it's now possible to have more than one with you on your travels.
  • Blizzard have not given a final decision if there will be a Hardcore mode in Diablo III or not, but Jay Wilson have said that he likes the idea and can't see any reasons why it should not be included.

Release Information

As usual, the release date for any Blizzard production is kept under wraps for as long as possible. What is known is that Diablo III is behind StarCraft II in the development cycle. A StarCraft release for 2009 and a Diablo III release in 2010/2011 seems probable. The demo shown to players was very well polished, which makes it harder to estimate development time left. Any other dates or rumours are that -- rumours.

System Requirements

Diablo III is made completely in 3D, using Havok physics engine, with a custom game engine made by Blizzard. The game will probably use a slightly higher level of system requirements than StarCraft II, which also uses Havok, and is the closest thing we can compare the game to. You can read more on StarCraft II's requirements here:

Diablo Beta Testing

As with the release date, a time for beta is currently unknown.

Retail Price

The retail price for Diablo III is unknown and will be stated closer to release. It's likely that the game will be "boxed" (no monthly fees, just a one-off price) and priced similar to other AAA titles.

Game Age Rating

The rating of Diablo III is estimated to be aimed for gamers above the age of 15, while still trying to avoid USK 18+ in Germany, or other similar ratings that would severely hamper the sales of the game in that country. Blizzard are more likely to censor the game in affected countries than to avoid releasing it if the censorship is too harsh.

Who's in Charge?

Naturally, Blizzard are the guys making Diablo III, but that isn't a surprise. The important people for this production is the relatively new Blizzard employee Diablo III Lead Designer Jay Wilson, besides the regular team. For fans, you might want to keep a look out for Bashiok, the new Diablo Community Manager and Leonard Boyarsky who is the Lead World Designer for Diablo III, and head of quests & lore as well as designing the world of Sanctuary.

Expansions, MMO or Film

Any future plans after Diablo III is unknown, but it seems apparent that Blizzard are confident [1] that there WILL be an expansion. they have mentioned that the story line will have a more "final" ending than in Diablo II, which possibly means to make it better for an expansion, or perhaps a future MMO or a Diablo film.

Further Information

You can follow the links to each specific section for further details on Diablo III development and information. You can also use one of the following links for further information:

  • Media Coverage - All Interviews, Previews, Pictures, Videos and Articles from around the web.
  • Diablo III Basics - A listing of articles with good information if you are new to Diablo III.
  • Diablo III FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions