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Bane is a Fan fiction writer that writes Fan fiction for the Diablo Community



Hi so I suppose people actually are interested in this section…oh well now that I have your attention welcome to my site! It’s the first one I have done so forgive me if it seems primitive compared to other websites I have seen up on the Internet these days but it does the job.

My name is Mark and I live in England in a little village outside the City of Oxford. I am 20 years old (born 18-06-1982) and am currently a Student at The University of Chichester studying Media Studies and History.

I never progressed in English past the GCSE stage but I have always enjoyed writing (as I can sit down for a long time!) and these days I seem to be doing more creative writing than studying. I have written several things before hand, which may one day see the light of day again, but Bane is the story I have progressed further in.

I enjoy lots of stuff really, including writing reading, football (English Football), smoking and drinking vast quantities of alcohol when I have the funds and hanging out with my mates.

Originally posted on a recovered old page here [1].



This is a collection of Bane's work.

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