Video: Blizzcon 2010 Rune Effects - Diablo Wiki
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Video: Blizzcon 2010 Rune Effects

Revision as of 03:09, 12 April 2011 by MrFrye (talk | contribs) (added images)

This movie is a tight closeup of the video screen during the Gameplay Panel at BlizzCon 2010, about 40 minutes into the hour-long panel. It is a demonstration of various skill rune effects.

The Movie

The Barbarian, the Wizard, and the Witch Doctor show off some skill rune effects against hordes of zombies, aka cannon-fodder.

Video courtesy of BlizzPort's Channel on YouTube.

Skills Demonstrated


The Barbarian using Leap Attack runed to add 5 small explosions.
A Barbarian throwing an Ancient Spear runed for extra harpoons.
The Wizard casting a runed Mirror Image featuring what looks like the ring transporter from Stargate.
Frost Nova runed to be a screen-killer.
Nice footage of Magic Missile with multishot granted by the Indigo Rune.
Firebats runed as a whirling fiery protective tornado armor.
Poison Dart runed for multishot.