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Chest Armor

Revision as of 14:44, 5 February 2011 by Flux (talk | contribs)

Body armor refers specifically to the armor worn over a character's torso in Diablo III. The term "Armor" is often used for this item slot, but it's also a generic term for all of the various types of worn equipment in the game, including belts, gloves, boots, shoulders, etc.

Though we are far from receiving a full list of the types of armor in the game, a few tidbits have been revealed.

  • There are no attribute requirements (such as strength or dexterity) to equip items in Diablo II. Clvl and class restrictions seem to be the only requirements, which means all characters can use all types of items, with only the stats and other modifiers constraining their choice.
  • Armor in Diablo III is fitted into gear sets; suits of equipment of the same item level that create a complimentary look when all worn at once.
    • There are 18 such gear sets in the game, which seems to mean that there are 18 types of each item of armor. Chest armor at least, as the central piece of each set.
  • All armor in the game looks unique for each class. The same boots or gloves or helm on each class will look unique to that class; no piece of Barbarian armor is identical to, for instance, a piece of Witch Doctor or Demon Hunter armor.
  • There are no exceptional or elite armor or weapon item types in Diablo III. These were found in Diablo II, where the same equipment graphic was reused for a 2nd and 3rd quality level, which resulted in high level characters wearing a type of leather armor with much higher defense than heavy plate mail.
    • In Diablo III the 18 types of gear set mark a progression throughout the entire game, with the highest levels (by item level and quality) only found late in Hell difficulty.
    • This means that high level characters will likely have some uniformity of appearance, at least in terms of all wearing (or aspiring to wear) what looks to be "heavy" armor.

Armor Looks

A few of the dozens of Armor looks found in Diablo III can be seen below.

  • See the Gear Sets page for numerous full armor outfits.
  • See the character art gallery for additional gear set screenshots, as well as dozens of pieces of concept art, a few of which are seen below.

Barbarian concept art, showing a hypothetical armor progression, from light to heavy.