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Dave Adams

Revision as of 12:28, 9 January 2011 by Varquynne (talk | contribs)

Dave Adams is Lead Level Designer for Diablo III.


Dave Adams - Lead Level Designer

Dave started out working with console gaming at a company called Swingin' Ape Studios (notably, the studio that worked on StarCraft: Ghost). The company was acquired by Blizzard Entertainment in May 2005.[1] After the acquisition, the developers of Swingin' Ape Studios were integrated into the Blizzard Irvine team. Since then, Dave has worked on two World of Warcraft expansions - The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King.[2] He has since joined the Diablo III development team where he is Lead Level Designer.


  1. Press release. Blizzard Entertainment Acquires Swingin' Ape Studios. 2005-05-16.
  2. Jessica Citizen. Interview: Diablo III's Lead Level Designer. games.on.net. 2010-10-31.

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