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BlizzCon 2010

Revision as of 08:04, 7 December 2010 by Flux (talk | contribs)

BlizzCon 2010 took place at Anaheim Convention Center on 21-22 October 2010. The fifth character, the Demon Hunter was revealed, along with Diablo III's PvP Battle Arenas, which were playable by fans on the show floor, along with all five characters in a new PvM demo.

A great deal of new game information was revealed during the panels and interviews, and through new media releases.



When Blizzard released the Blizzcon 2010 panel line up, the Diablo communtity was less than overjoyed to see only three panels, one of them an open Q&A. (Compared to the 6 Starcraft IIand 7 World of Warcraft panels, just 3 for Diablo III seemed stingy.)

The 3 Diablo III Panels were Diablo III Gameplay, Crafting Sanctuary, and Open Q&A.

Diablo III Gameplay Panel

Blizzcon 2010 official logo.

This info-rich panel covered the Demon Hunter, Battle Arenas, and much more. See a full transcript with numerous screenshots here.

Crafting Sanctuary Panel

This excellent panel covered the development of the game world, levels, quests, plot, monsters, NPCs, skills, and many more features of the game. See a summary and numerous screenshots here:

Diablo III Open Q&A

This open Q&A put the developers on the stage and lots of fans in the audience. As usual, it was mostly filled with "noob" questions covering old info, but there were some new tidbits to enjoy. A rough transcript of the "new" information questions can be seen here:

New Blizzcon Media

Numerous new screenshots, artworks, movies, and gameplay footage were revealed at the show.

Blizzcon Media Coverage

See the Media Coverage page for a full listing of all Blizzcon media coverage, including developer interviews, hands-on gameplay reports, photos galleries, and much more.

Blizzcon 2010 Floor Plan

The floor space taken up by the event was arranged much the same as it was for Blizzcon 2009.

Blizzcon 2010 Floor Plan


Rumors broke in late 2009 that Blizzcon 2010 would be held in late July in Las Vegas, Nevada. This was officially denied by Blizzard a week later.