The structure of DiabloWiki is important, and when making new articles, or uploading images, make sure that you add it to the right categories. You might also want to make sure that you are using the right boilerplate if one is available.
Article Category Roots
All categories should be added to Category:Root, the main category.
- Category:Content - Main content category.
- Category:Basics - All "basics" for the Diablo game and world.
- Category:Gameplay - Diablo 3 specific info.
- Category:Acts - Diablo 3 Acts.
- Category:Levels - Diablo 3 area Levels. - NOT experience levels!
- Category:Locations - Locations in Diablo 3 as well as Lore.
- Category:Towns - Game towns
- Category:Classes - Diablo 3 Classes.
- Category:Items - Diablo 3 Items.
- Category:Monsters - Diablo 3 Monsters.
- Categoty:Multiplayer - Multiplayer aspects of Diablo 3.
- - Information about
- Category:Quests - Diablo 3 Quests.
- Category:Single Player - Singleplayer aspects of Diablo 3.
- Category:Skills - Skills of character classes.
- Category:NPCs - Diablo 3 NPCs.
- Category:Lore - Articles that are not directly involved in the game. Over-arching category for Sanctuary etc.
- Category:Characters - Important characters in the Diablo Universe, such as Diablo, Deckard Cain and Tyrael.
- Category:Locations - Locations in the Diablo Universe as well as game.
- Category:Settlements - Settlements of people. Hamlets, Villages, Towns and Cities.
- Category:Cities - Large cities.
- Category:Hamlets - Few houses
- Category:Towns - Small towns
- Category:Villages - Villages.
- Category:Regions - Large regions in the Diablo Universe. (former: Areas)
- Category:Planes - Planes of existence, elemental, etheral or the like.
- Category:Dungeons - Creepy!
- Category:Ruins - Destroyed!
- Category:Worlds - The worlds.
- Category:Burning Hells - Home of the demons.
- Category:High Heavens - Home of angles.
- Category:Sanctuary - The mortal realm in the Diablo universe. Geography
- Category:Ethnic groups - The people of Sanctuary.
- Category:Nations of Sanctuary - Nations of civilised groups of people.
- Category:DiabloWiki - All pages related to DiabloWiki.
- Category:Boilerplates - DiabloWiki's boilerplates listed.
- Category:Help - Help pages sorted.
- Category:Main Page - All pages related to Main Page.
- Category:Templates - Templates sorted.
- Category:Images - All images in DiabloWiki.