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A summoner or spawner class or monster (also known as pet class in reference to classes), is capable of using magical spells, or spell-like abilities, to conjure or spawn some sort of monster or NPC as a "pet" that fight or perform some sort of task for the summoner. A summoner monster or class is generally also considered a caster.

The summoned creature is generally called "pet", "minion" or "spawn".


Summoner or Pet Classes

In Diablo III, the following classes are considered "summoner" classes or "pet classes":

  • Witch Doctor - Spell caster with some random bits thrown in for ranged and close combat, and a few "summoning" spells to spawn "pets"
  • Other classes - Many players are expecting some sort of additional "pet class" to be announced by Blizzard.

The Wizard will be able to summon a Hydra to protect her, but it's not really considered a summoned pet.

Old Summoner or Pet Classes

In Diablo II, there is primarily one summoner class:

  • Necromancer - Pure caster. Calls corpses or inanimate objects army to fight for him. Also uses spells.
  • Druid - The summmoner calls forth beasts from the wild to aid him in the coming battles.

The Amazon can summon a Valkyrie, if she has gone down the right skill tree, but it's not the Amazon's primary function to summon creatures.

In Diablo I, all classes could summon a Golem or a Hydra but those spells are not really considered a summoned pet.

Summoner Type Monsters

Monsters that can summon reinforcements are also called "summoners" or "spawners". Their selection of summons varies, and they are usually also casters. They are generally not referred to as "pet monsters" like the class versions. Here are a few examples of summoner monsters:

Related Articles

Related articles include:

  • Caster - Almost all summoners are also casters.
  • Ranged - Some summoners also use ranged spells or abilities.
  • Melee - Close range combat, the alternative for some summoners.