Media Coverage - Diablo Wiki
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Media Coverage

Revision as of 15:03, 24 July 2008 by Leord (talk | contribs) (Additional WWI Reporting and Features)

This page lists all Diablo III coverage; previews, interviews, designer diaries, forum post, and more. Anything from the D3 team that's substantial enough to warrant a news post on gets an entry on this page. Larger interviews and other features are archived in this section, to ward off link rot.


July 2008

June 2008: World Wide Invitational

Diablo III was announced at Blizzard's World Wide Invitational in Paris, on June 28, 2008. A storm of media coverage ensued, with every gaming media outlet on the Internet reporting the announcement. The biggest sources of info from the WWI were the four hour-long Diablo 3 panels, along with three movies Blizzard released, the D3 FAQ, and over one hundred screenshots and pieces of concept art.

Blizzard's WWI Panels

WWI Interviews

Additional WWI Reporting and Features

This Template is used for the Media Coverage section.

Use it instead of a list item. Instead of "* Interview:" at the start of a line break, just use {{int}} to create a bullet point which is bolded and coloured.

The following templates are used with "MC entry": Edit

This Template is used for the Media Coverage section.

Use it instead of a list item. Instead of "* Interview:" at the start of a line break, just use {{int}} to create a bullet point which is bolded and coloured.

The following templates are used with "MC entry": Edit

Pre-WWI Teasers

This Template is used for the Media Coverage section.

Use it instead of a list item. Instead of "* Interview:" at the start of a line break, just use {{int}} to create a bullet point which is bolded and coloured.

The following templates are used with "MC entry": Edit