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Media Coverage

Revision as of 15:21, 23 July 2008 by Leord (talk | contribs) (WWI Interviews)

This page lists all Diablo III coverage; previews, interviews, designer diaries, forum post, and more. Anything from the D3 team that's substantial enough to warrant a news post on gets an entry on this page. Larger interviews and other features are archived in this section, to ward off link rot.


July 2008

June 2008: World Wide Invitational

Diablo III was announced at Blizzard's World Wide Invitational in Paris, on June 28, 2008. A storm of media coverage ensued, with every gaming media outlet on the Internet reporting the announcement. The biggest sources of info from the WWI were the four hour-long Diablo 3 panels, along with three movies Blizzard released, the D3 FAQ, and over one hundred screenshots and pieces of concept art.

Blizzard's WWI Panels

WWI Interviews

Additional WWI Reporting and Features

Pre-WWI Teasers

  • Pre-WWI Teasers. Teaser images and secret codes posted on Blizzard's website during the week before Diablo III's announcement. June 22-28, 2008.