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Beast (monster)

Revision as of 11:35, 13 July 2008 by Flux (talk | contribs)
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Beasts are Animals.

Beasts are large, buffalo-like herd beasts seen in the plains areas of Diablo III. They have a very fast charging attack, and gore with their huge tusks up close, though the few seen in the WWI 2008 gameplay movie died pretty easily. They're not just animals either; they've been mutated by Diablo (or someone?) to become monstrous, as a close up view of their face demonstrates.

The one that charges in the gameplay movie signals his intent before the charge, by pausing for a moment, pawing with one forelimb, and snorting a great plume of smoke before rocketing straight at (and hitting) the Witch Doctor.


See screenshots and concept art for Beasts in the Image Gallery

A beast in action.