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A fansite is a site dedicated to a specific game, and is a meeting point for fans of the game. This can be everything from a big community fansite with forums, blogs, image galleries, screenshots, artwork, articles, columns and information pages or just a single fan's blog.

Since this is the Diablo wiki, this page is dedicated to Diablo fansites.

Diablo Sites - English

  • Diablo: IncGamers - Established in 1997. Full fansite with forums, image gallery, articles, columns, blogs, etc. Formerly DiabloII.Net/DIII.Net.
  • The Dark Library - A now defunct site that used to host hundreds of fan fiction stories. Diablo Wiki is trying to help expanding on it by adding stories from their archives to the wiki.
  • ATMA - "A Tenshi Muling Application" - a site that hosts one of the most popular muling programs for Diablo II.

Diablo Sites - International

Useful Sites