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Were you looking for Atma, the Diablo II NPC?

ATMA is a Single Player muling program for Diablo II by Hakai_no_Tenshi.

Website [e]
Type of site: Fansite
Language: English
Registration: No
Owner: Hakai_no_Tenshi
Created by: ckb
Launched: 2003-05-03
Internet rank: ~325k
Current status: Active



It stands for "A Tenshi Muling Application" and is designed to help you organize and categorize your Diablo II characters, mules and items. The idea behind this is to be able to read your character/item files quickly without having to open them up in the game and to be able to transfer items without the problems of previously available editors/muling programs.

The site and program has been active and helping single player characters mule for the better part of a decade.
